C o r p o r a t e G i f t s W i t h A c r o p o l i s W i n e s


D e l i g h t y o u r b u s i n e s s p a r t n e r s , f r i e n d s a n d e m p l o y e e s w i t h a w e l l - c h o s e n w i n e .

Save time choosing a gift and take advantage of the tax deduction for promotional material. You may choose free delivery to your company office or to the recipient’s address. Contact us today, and let the festivities begin!

Wine for Christmas

Christmas is coming and that is why we have prepared a range of services for you. How to show customers that you really value them? Well, a suitable gift! We offer you inspiration on how to reward customers for their loyalty.

Gift wines are an ideal reward for cooperation. A bottle of good wine will please both men and women, regardless of age. A quality wine in a nice box is suitable for any occasion. 

We work with the best Cretan winemakers

W e a r e G r e e k W i n e s u p p l i e r s w i t h r e a l l y h i g h - q u a l i t y w i n e s a t a g o o d p r i c e .


"I drink and I know things."

– Tyrion Lannister, Game of Thrones


D o y o u n e e d t o s t r e n g t h e n y o u r b r a n d ?

Or maybe you want to make a gift for partners, employees or customers memorable.
That is not a problem for us. Your company’s logo can be used not only on wine bottles, but also on gift packaging for wine bottles. This marking can be done in the form of a sticker, label or in the form of tags on the bottle necks. When you mark the wine with your own label or tag, the recipient will easily associate the experience of drinking delicious wine with your company, and that is a priceless association.

Firemni vino

Every gift will arrive to destination wrapped by our specialists in a custom package that is unique and special. We will customize your gifts according to your requested budget, needs and schedule. 

Additional customization for your gifts is done with unique greeting cards. Whether you are a big company or a small one, we will find the best solution to fit your budget and needs.To ensure promptness, please place your order within 14 business days before the delivery date.

We are flexible

A s k u s a b o u t a d v i c e

You can order directly here through the contact form. Inform us about your preferences in the inquiry form, whether precise or vague, and our sommeliers will prepare a tailor-made offer for you.If you have any questions, you can contact us by email at: info@acropolis-wines.com
nice experiences

Gift Vouchers

If you don’t have the opportunity to meet your partners in person, or don’t know thier prefernces, we have a solution for you: gift vouchers with a value 2500 CZK.